Data Base Management

Versant Database

The Versant Corporation Object Database

Because of the precise and definitive nature of a database management system, there are few corporations in the marketplace today that offer the tools which will help you succeed by going further with your computer than you ever dreamed. One such corporation is the Versant Corporation.

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The Versant Corporation has been in existence for over 20 years and during that time, they have manufactured and enriched a database management system known as object databases, which is also abbreviated by OODBMS. The Versant Corporation currently supplies the business market with two exceptional products in the object database category: "Versant Object Database" and "Versant FastObjects".

The Versant Database is very high tech in that it does not require the user to remodel the data contained in the database into a relational table first -- the software will read, store and model all complex logical models as is.

Before you can fully appreciate how important this is, it is important to understand the differences between an object database management system and a relational database management system.

With an object database, the data is characterized as, like the name implies, objects. This is highly beneficial for businesses and applications where elaborate and multifarious data needs high performance processing. The Versant Database uses this type of database management system in such applications as telecommunications, medical technology and defense technology, among others.

Conversely, relational database management systems configure and store data as a table and the relationship among all data on the system is also housed as tables. A relational database management system is more common in general applications and those that do not require specialized processing.

Given the difference in database management systems, it is clear to see why the Versant database uses an object database for its projects. This allows the company to branch out in a more specialized direction where they have a mere handful of competitors.

These specialized directions include being able to provide the database management systems for such industries as telecommunications -- most notably the object database is used in Internet applications; the defense industry in regards to military technology and in the medical community with regards to using the database for storing and coding medical records and other data.

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