Data Base Management

Database Management System

What Is A Database Management System?

Anyone who uses a personal computer for either personal reasons or business use (or both as the case may occasionally be) knows that the programs operating on the computer and the web sites on the Internet are made up of significant amounts of data. Data is the term by which all information is classified. It is the very foundation of all the databases ever used in a computer system.

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Databases are the lifeblood of a computer system and are defined as an organized collection of information that is stored on any given computer. There are many different types of databases and many different database architects, too.

By now you may be wondering just how exactly a computer system is equipped to handle, process, organize and store all the billions of pieces of data it constantly encounters. The answer is simple: a database management system -- also known as DBMS for short.

One of the foremost experts in database management systems is Henry Korth. Professor and Chairman of the Computer Science and Engineering Department at Lehigh University. He paved the way for database understanding in his book "Database System Concepts".

This book explains in great detail all about database management system information from their purposes and applications, to database management system language to design and architecture. "Database System Concepts" by Henry Korth is definitely a great way to get a handle on this unique and highly necessary computer software program.

It takes a great deal of knowledge and programming in order to design the foundation for a database management system. The way a database management system works is by controlling all aspects of a computer's ability to organize, store, retrieve and manage all the data that is located within the database itself.

Typically used for business, database management systems are unique in that they will allow additional code -- such as being able to update any given category within the database -- without causing chaos on your computer's operating system.

Additionally, data base management systems are designed so that there can be multi-operational types in use at the same time. This is beneficial in that you can save time and money by implementing the overall idea of a database management system in your home or office.

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